Sunday, January 31, 2010
31: Sunday Always Comes Too Late
I feel like I have a lot of little things to do today. Dishes, homework, some cleaning, laundry, baking, cooking maybe, etc. I also don't feel like I have much to talk about. Oh, I played some badass pool yesterday. I actually made a lot of shots that looked really good just on luck...but that's okay. There's a pool hall not to far from our apartment and it's pretty nice. A bit expensive for the table but if you're splitting it with people, it's not too bad. So I played with some friends and some of the games took so long to finish. I think I played 3 games, in teams, and lost two of them....Not my fault =P So that was my night. I'm going to go get started on some homework so I will see you tomorrow.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
30: I must not be in love on Friday...
*sigh* I forgot to post again yesterday. Granted, I didn't really have any free time to do so. Yesterday, I went into the city to get some latex paint for our concrete mix. Unfortunately, the waste disposal place didn't have any, so that was a pointless trip. And then I went to the place where we do construction for canoe to pre-batch the aggregates and stuff, but turns out that some of our materials were not shipped on time, so not only could we not do any construction yesterday, but casting day, which was supposed to be today, got postponed to next weekend. Our schedule just got a little bit tighter. After coming back, I played Mario and Band Hero until Friday was over. Silly me.
Well, now that casting day is no longer today, I have quite an open Saturday and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I finished Cathy's striped hat the other day. It's pretty much the inverse of my striped hat. I think I'm going to go work on another project. See you tomorrow =)
Well, now that casting day is no longer today, I have quite an open Saturday and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I finished Cathy's striped hat the other day. It's pretty much the inverse of my striped hat. I think I'm going to go work on another project. See you tomorrow =)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
28: Thursday, I Don't Care Bout You

The Light-Switch in the Attic
Once upon a hallow’s eve, a newlywed couple came to be. There was a house and an old light switch, but no ghosts or spirits or even a witch. This story is not of a normal fright, and it really takes place in more than a night. The passion and depth that this story holds is the secret to the scare that it unfolds. The strength of the love that the light switch does host, is what personally frightens me the most.
Upon that mystical hallow’s eve, was a sight so glorious for everyone to see. The newlywed couple walked into their home, with nothing but only themselves alone. The place was dark, but a cozy fire, so the couple for the night decided to retire.
Later that night was heard a bump that in the throat would cause a lump. That bump came from up up above, in the attic with all the horrible love. There sat that switch ready for light, but it had to wait until the time was just right. Ah, but hark, what sound was that, for surely it was not a cat. Not a sound but a movement, not a movement but a feel, a feeling in which gives the heart a good meal. And start with a spurt, then a gradual move, came the light switch, with time, and with much behoove. The light did flicker for it was not on since never and flicker it did for almost forever. Off and on, on and off, the switch did scoff. It could not make up its mind, even when given so much time. But soon, oh how soon, but 7 minutes later, it went on, oh that horrible light that filled the attic crater. Light flooded the attic and filled up the heart, one that was empty, lost and apart.
The light in the attic never extinguished, but its glow was never, not even, distinguished. The switch on the wall, in its horror did sit, and never let the attic rest just a bit. The light was on and never turned down, unable to let go of that horrible sound. That beautiful sound that haunted the heart, the one that set the others apart. Just two in the world would give but a shiver, and never would that feeling wither.
Downstairs slept quietly, still, the husband and wife with none but a chill. They were unaware of what went on above, and how much it came, all of that love. The terrible greatness of that little light, the great terribleness of that lonely night.
Once upon a hallow’s eve, a newlywed couple came to be. There was a house and an old light switch, but no ghosts or spirits or even a witch. This story is not of a normal fright, and it really takes place in more than a night. The passion and depth that this story holds is the secret to the scare that it unfolds. The strength of the love that the light switch does host, is what personally frightens me the most. To great despair did that light-switch turn on, for never to ever or ever be gone.
Thursday Tales
27: And Wednesday, Too
I'm going to pretend it's still Wednesday because I'm still up and working on a group project. It's due tomorrow so we're spending a lot of time on it tonight.
Casting day for Canoe is coming up this weekend. I talked about canoe not too long ago after we went to Canada for Nationals. That was almost two years ago. Last year we won Nationals in Alabama! It was so exciting. I'll have to share pictures and explain more about that later. For now, I have to get back to my project. See you tomorrow...
Casting day for Canoe is coming up this weekend. I talked about canoe not too long ago after we went to Canada for Nationals. That was almost two years ago. Last year we won Nationals in Alabama! It was so exciting. I'll have to share pictures and explain more about that later. For now, I have to get back to my project. See you tomorrow...
Concrete Canoe
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
26: Tuesday's Gray

I'm knitting! Finally, some time to knit. I'm working on the striped hat from Men's Knits. It's actually going to be for me, I think. And now it's done!
It's so cute. So cute that Cathy wanted me to make one for her, too. So I'm starting on that. That's all for now. See you tomorrow =)
Monday, January 25, 2010
25: I Don't Care if Monday's Blue

Speaking of grad school, I still don't know what I plan on doing after I graduate. Actually, I know what I want to do; I'd really like to go to school for graphic design. But I don't know what I can do. I was talking to a guy who graduated from our college of Natural Resources and he talked about some companies that I could work for. I also think 113 might lead me in a good direction. We'll see.
Well, I have an officer meeting coming up (so late!) so I'll see you tomorrow =)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
24: It's Sunday

Today was semi-eventful. I went with Cathy to Macy's, Sur La Table, H&M and Target. I finally got one of those cookie scoopers. Hopefully that makes putting the cookie dough on the baking sheets easier. I also got some cookie cutters for Valentine's day. I'm thinking about making my own Valentines to hand out this year. It's been a while since I've given/received any Valentines. I'll have to take some pictures before I hand them out.
Anyway, I'm off to make some dirt cups for Peer Advising/my meeting. See you tomorrow =)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
23: I know, I forgot to blog yesterday

Thursday, January 21, 2010
21: My Eye is Swollen

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
20: It's Only the Second Day...

So those are all my classes and I have a pretty nice schedule. Best of all, I have no finals! Best. Semester. Ever. See you tomorrow =)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
19: Last First Day of School
Today is the last first day of classes that I will ever have! Unless I end up going to grad school...or school for graphic design or something else. The classes I had today are Environmental Engineering Design (112) and Environmental Biological Processes (211). They are both taught by the same professor and in the same room. That's 4.5 hours of class in the same room with the same lecturer. But he's not bad, though, so that's good.
Let's talk about my classes. 112 is a design class (at lease one required to graduate). Throughout the class we'll be learning about consulting projects and will eventually design our own water treatment plant. I'm not thrilled about the subject matter (I'm writing this while I'm in the class) but it's more interesting than the other design classes.
211 is a graduate level class about microbial life in mainly water and treatment methods for said water. We're learning about microbiology first and then the second half of the semester, the students will be lecturing and leading discussion on treatment methods and other related topics. It seems a lot more exciting than some of th other classes I've taken here. We don't get to take many (or any) bio classes so I'm glad to incorporate it into my curriculum somehow. And there's no final! So I only have 1 final this semester. What a great way to end my college career =)
I'll talk about my other two classes tomorrow after I go to the first lectures. See you tomorrow!
P.S. I think this class may be a good class to knit in. Even though it's pretty warm in here...
Let's talk about my classes. 112 is a design class (at lease one required to graduate). Throughout the class we'll be learning about consulting projects and will eventually design our own water treatment plant. I'm not thrilled about the subject matter (I'm writing this while I'm in the class) but it's more interesting than the other design classes.
211 is a graduate level class about microbial life in mainly water and treatment methods for said water. We're learning about microbiology first and then the second half of the semester, the students will be lecturing and leading discussion on treatment methods and other related topics. It seems a lot more exciting than some of th other classes I've taken here. We don't get to take many (or any) bio classes so I'm glad to incorporate it into my curriculum somehow. And there's no final! So I only have 1 final this semester. What a great way to end my college career =)
I'll talk about my other two classes tomorrow after I go to the first lectures. See you tomorrow!
P.S. I think this class may be a good class to knit in. Even though it's pretty warm in here...
Monday, January 18, 2010
18: Jersey What?

Jersey Shore
Sunday, January 17, 2010
17: Back in Berkeley

I'm almost done with Chris's gift and I haven't worked on my hat since last I spoke of it. Today's post will be another short one because I have to do some unpacking and cooking...See you tomorrow <3
Saturday, January 16, 2010
16: 11 Minutes Left

Friday, January 15, 2010
15: I Almost Forgot...

So I went to see Avatar (again) with my parents. In 3D, of course. Still as good as it was the first time. Better seats this time, though.
I really don't have too much to talk about today. I started a hat last night. Pictures to come.
Man, I'm so lame today...See you tomorrow =P
Thursday, January 14, 2010
14: A Project

On another note, I thought I'd tell you about a project I'm doing with UCSF. There's a program called Art for Recovery and they help patients recover through art in one way or another. The project I'm involved in is the Firefly Project which is basically a pen-pal exchange where students are paired with patients and write back and forth throughout the year. In addition to these letters we're supposed to come up with an art project to send to each other, like a collaborative collage or a story in the making. This year, one of my pen-pals and I decided to knit (or crochet) squares and send them with each letter, then when we get together we can piece together those squares in a blanket and donate it to UCSF. I'll be sharing pictures of the squares I make and receive as I make and receive them, and hopefully one of the finished project. Here's the first one I made.
See you tomorrow!
Firefly project
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
13: Stuck in a Car

My mom is inside CVS right now and I decided to stay in the car outside...facing the sun...Fun stuff. We're going to the mall to pick up my shoes that I got repaired and of course to do some more shopping. I shall see you tomorrow =)
p.s. Happy Birthday Kevin! ^.^
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
12: Yarn Stash

I also want to start Garnstudios' tunic with some Lion Brand Wool Ease, you know, the millions of skeins I bought at Michaels the other day. I think I need to increase the needle size to get gauge though. I'm so excited to be knitting finally! Of course now that school is starting up I won't have much time. Well I'm going to go knit some more. See you tomorrow =)
Monday, January 11, 2010
11: Knitting!

Yesterday I said that I didn't think I would do much knitting but as I posted that blog I started knitting. I finished Miriam's neckwarmer (ravelry link).
I actually ran out of the main color yarn (the rusty orange) so I had to use the leftover yarn from the wrist/armwarmers. But I think it will look okay. Now I just need to add the buttons.
I also finished my first real lace project, a scarf for my mom (ravelry link).
Yay for lace. And it's definitely not in lace-weight yarn, it's in nice, thick, plushy yarn ^.^ It's so soft! I just need to somehow hide it from my mom while I'm blocking it in my room...
Today I plan on doing some more knitting (or crocheting), reading and listening to podcasts. See you tomorrow =)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
10: ...

So...I don't have too many things to say. I've stopped bleeding but I think I still have the taste of Lipton tea in my mouth. Effective but not very pleasant, especially when I don't like tea. I also think the tea contributed to a sore throat...Anyway, that's all for now. Not much to update on. Oh, although, I am looking forward to a green bean casserole and stuffing dinner ^.^ mmmm....see you tomorrow!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
9: My Teeth

So that wisdom teeth surgery kind of sucked. A lot. But I'm glad I got it done before the semester started. I chose to be knocked out (because I'm a wuss =P) and I actually ended up waking up a little before they were done, just when he was putting the last stitches in. I then got to sit down for maybe 5 minutes until they rushed me home because I had to get penicillin in me (apparently my lower teeth were very close to the nerves). And of course, I threw up on the way home because I had anesthesia. Luckily it was not in the car. I spent the first few hours home trying to recover from the anesthesia. At around 7:30 pm I was pretty much better. And then I stayed up until 1, slowly tossing and turning, and after a good 3 hours of sleep I woke up at 4, took some penicillin, and went back to sleep. And now I'm here. Today will probably be a pretty chill day. Maybe I'll even get some knitting in, and who knows, maybe I'll be able to read! See you tomorrow =)
p.s. Tea bags to stop bleeding? Genius!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
7: So Close

Other things I have been spending my time on: Miriam's wristwarmers.
I finished them a couple of days ago.
Yay for cables. I'd like to make a pair for these for myself. Although, I have over 200 projects in my ravelry queue. About that....probably more than I can finish in my life.
Tomorrow is the dreaded day. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out and I decided to get knocked out. I'm still a little nervous and not sure if I really want to get knocked out but hopefully everything will go okay. I'll probably post tomorrow morning before the operation just in case I'm not up for it afterwards. See you then.
video games
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
6: My Mouf ish Numb

On a happier note, Miriam and I spent 6 hours playing Mario Bro last night...until 5 am...yes, if you do the math I got a little over 4 hours of sleep. I'm okay though, I might just crash early tonight or take a nap. We'll see. We're so close to beating the game though, I'm going to have to go play some now. See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
5: It's Tuesday and I Just Woke Up

I think today I'll share with you what I bought at Michaels. And from Knit Picks. Those first
This looks more like a red than a wine....
I heart teal.
So that's all the stuff I bought from Michaels....yeah....I know....I also bought jewelry stuff but you saw those necklaces before.
Anyway, it's already 3:40 and I really need to get on with this day. See you tomorrow =)
Knit Picks,
Monday, January 4, 2010
4: It's a Beautiful Day

P.S. The letters you've been seeing at the beginning of my posts are from Jessica Hische at Daily Drop Cap.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
3: Video Games and Books

1. The Christmas Issue (71) of knitting
2. January's issue of Creative Knitting
3. Crochet Motifs by Edie Eckman
4. Delaying the Real World by Colleen Kinder
5. Green Jobs by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn et al.
1. I got really excited about the Cross Your Heart Kimono (ravelry link) in this issue. I have to be pretty picky about UK magazines because they're relatively expensive in the States but I love cables and this garment is adorable. They have some other great patterns in here, too. And of course, like every other knitting magazine, they talk about the new book, Reversible Knitting, which I bought not too long ago.
2. The coat on the cover got me for this issue. Also some other cute patterns inside.
3. Normally the granny square patterns I see in bookstores or online don't always look that nice, but the ones in this book are so pretty. The price was okay, but with a B&N membership, I saved 20% =)
4. This book was suggested to me by a friend who, like me, doesn't know exactly what he wants to do after he graduates. I graduate in the Spring and I really don't want to go to grad school for Environmental Engineering. But, I don't know what I want to do instead. I've only started reading this book, but it's filled with some great ideas and inspiration to get you out there doing things you might have never thought of. I'm sure it will be of some help when I decide what I want to do next.
5. Miriam found this book for me and I decided to grab it. It's filled with things I could do related and not so related to Environmental Engineering, and that's really what I need to find something I want to do as a career. I'm excited to read more.
Phew. Those are all the books/magazines I bought yesterday. Now onto something even nerdier: video games. More than a year ago I bought SSB Brawl and shared it on this blog. I am now about to share the video games I have gotten since then:

So many games!
And they're all so much fun! I know. I'm a 21-year old girl that plays video games in her spare time...aren't I so cool!?!
Well, that's all for today. See you tomorrow!
video games
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2: At the Bookstore

I love Barnes and Noble. Actually, I love any bookstore. But I'm at Barnes and Noble now with Miriam and we could spend hours here. Which is what we're going to do. So I just wanted to write a quick post before the day ends and mayhaps I will give an update later.
Friday, January 1, 2010
1: A New Year

Mmm, nice and toasty. So what have I been working on.
Oooh, pretty...
The most recent thing I finished is this necklace. I went to Michaels with Miriam and went a little crazy at the jewelry section. The Blue Moon brand had some adorable lines: Lost & Found and Madame Delphine's. I liked them so much I made two necklaces in one night.
I like feathers ^.^
I've already worn the first one twice. Beside the jewelry section, I also went crazy in the scrapbooking and yarn section. But more on that tomorrow, because I have to get ready to see Kevin soon. And my parents are making ham and cheesecake - yummy!
Before I go, I have a goal for this year (a couple actually, but one most relevant to this blog). I'm going to try to post every day for the whole year. I realize this will be difficult given that this will be my last semester in college, and I have Canoe and Chi Epsilon to work on throughout the year. But I will try! See you tomorrow =)
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