Here they are =) So, as you can probably tell in the picture, the left and right glittons don't exactly match. I did the right one first and just happened to read the pattern wrong. Instead of ribbing for 6 rows and then knitting until the mitten part is 1.5 inches from your fingers, I did ribbing the whole time...oops. And then I forgot to do some decreases on the top of the mitten part (notice how its a lot flatter than the left hand). But I realized this much too late (when I did the left hand) to redo it, and I think it looks okay when you wear them. Barely noticeable and I know Miriam will still appreciate them.

Since it was a men's pattern, there wasn't really too much shaping for women's dainty little wrists so I decided to add a ribbon (from JoAnn's) to narrow that part. And then of course the buttons (so cute! Also from JoAnn's (did I mention I heart JoAnn's?)) which hold the mitten part back when you're not using them. Aren't they just adorable? Very feminine; I think they're more me than they are Miriam but that's okay.
I'm trying my hand at embroidery for Cathy's bag. It's not
really embroidery - I'm kinda winging it. So far it looks alright, dare I say, cute? It's got a very handmade look to it. I'll have to take a picture of it. The design is this sort of tree/sun thing. More abstract, though.
These are really great!!!
Thank you! =)
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